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Jumpstart Pre-k Early Reader: Lost And Found In Jumpstart Town

Author Joan Holub

Format Paperback

Publisher Cartwheel

Category Easy Readers

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Eleanor the elephant and her animal friends are off on a visit to JumpStart Town in this 32-page, full-color paperback designed to complement the pre-K level of the Scholastic JumpStart workbook series. Eleanor joins her friends Kisha and Pierre the bears and Casey the cat in a short adventure in JumpStart Town, where the animals get lost when they forget to stay together. Each character finds an item in a special color matching that animal's clothing, and then Eleanor rounds them all up for a picnic lunch ("munch, munch, munch... crunch, crunch, crunch"). Children who are just beginning to read will be able to figure out the color words based on the picture clues, and they can join in on some of the repetitive refrains and rhyming words. The JumpStart Readers were designed to reinforce skills taught in the workbooks at the same level, and the animal characters are also the featured stars of JumpStart, a bestselling educational software program for young children. (Ages 3 to 5) --Marcie Bovetz


Joan Holub

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Cartwheel
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780439087896

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