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Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch Your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar

Author Amy Ahlers

Format Paperback

Publisher New World Library

Category Self Help

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Most of us have a nonstop chorus of criticism in our heads — voices not unlike those of the mean girls lurking in locker rooms of junior high schools everywhere. Amy Ahlers’s witty, wise, and cut-to-the-chase book will give you everything you need to take on those bullying Inner Mean Girls and Inner Critics — and win. You’ll learn how to rewire the self-sabotaging lies you tell yourself into affirming truths that will increase self-respect, self-love, and self-compassion, transforming your inner and outer lives.


Amy Ahlers

Additional Info

  • Publisher: New World Library
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781608680283

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