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Extreme Measures (Mitch Rapp #11)

Author Vince Flynn

Format Hardcover

Publisher Atria Books

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

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The CIA has detected and intercepted two terrorist cells, but a third is feared to be on the loose. Led by a dangerous mastermind obsessed with becoming the leader of al-Qaeda, this determined and terrifying group is about to descend on America. Mitch Rapp needs the best on this assignment, and Nash, who has served his government honorably for sixteen years--first as an officer in the Marine Corps and then as an operative in an elite counterterrorism team run by Rapp--is his choice. But on this assignment Rapp and his protege may have met their match.


Vince Flynn

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Atria Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780743270427

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