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Even the Stars Look Lonesome

Author Maya Angelou

Format Paperback

Publisher Bantam

Category African American History

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I have written of the black American experience, which I know intimately. I am always talking about the human condition in general and about society in particular. What it is like to be human, and American, what makes us weep, what makes us fall and stumble and somehow rise and go on.The compelling wisdom and deeply felt perceptions of Maya Angelou have been cherished by millions of readers. Now, in a continuation of her bestseller Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now, she shares many of her most treasured personal experiences, reflecting on the ideas and inspirations that have touched her heart. Even the Stars Look Lonesome is a profound series of essays that explores aspects of life both big and small, with Maya Angelou serving as the unique, spellbinding guide to a powerful spiritual journey.


Maya Angelou

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1998-09-01
  • Publisher: Bantam
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780553379723

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