In twenty-six short chapters, packed with real-life stories as evidence, Gallagher and Vlahutin lay a convincing case for the reasons why chastity not only makes sense in today's culture, but more importantly how it provides the love and freedom many youth are seeking. Teens and young adults are immediately engaged through their straight-forward approach which covers such topics as: why choose chastity?, how far is too far?, pornography, questioning the Church, starting over, cohabitation, practical tips for living chastely and much more. Gallagher and Vlahutin's backgrounds in youth ministry and in education, their experience of talking with thousands of teenagers, and their ability to present both a male and female as well as single and married perspective strengthen this book's appeal to a variety of audiences. Teens will find A Case for Chastity a readable and informative book, and their parents, youth ministers and teachers will find it an invaluable resource.
Heather Gallagher
Additional Info
- Publisher: Liguori
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9780764811029
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