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Darcy's Story

Author Janet Aylmer

Format Paperback

Publisher Harper Paperbacks

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

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When Elizabeth Bennet first met Mr. Darcy, she found him proud, distant, and rude&#8212despite the other ladies' admiration of his estate in Derbyshire and ten thousand pounds a year. But what was Mr. Darcy thinking? Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice has long stood among the most beloved novels of all time. The story of Elizabeth Bennet's blossoming romance with "haughty, reserved, and fastidious" Fitzwilliam Darcy has enchanted readers for nearly two centuries. Yet, Mr. Darcy has always remained an intriguing enigma&#8212his thoughts, feelings, and motivations hidden behind a cold, impenetrable exterior . . . until now. With the utmost respect for Austen's original masterwork, author Janet Aylmer loving retells Pride and Prejudice from a bold new perspective: seeing events as they transpire through the eyes of Darcy himself. One of world's great love stories takes on breathtaking new life, and one of fiction's greatest romantic heroes becomes even more sympathetic, compelling, attractive, and accessible, all through the imagination and artistry of a truly gifted storyteller.


Janet Aylmer

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-08-01
  • Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780061148705

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