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The Facts of Life: and Other Dirty Jokes

Author Willie Nelson

Format Paperback

Publisher Random House Trade Paperbacks

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If you had to give America a voice, it’s been said more than once, that voice would be Willie Nelson’s. For more than fifty years, he’s taken the stuff of his life—the good and the bad—and made from it a body of work that has become a permanent part of our musical heritage and kept us company through the good and the bad of our own lives. So it’s fitting, and cause for celebration, that he has finally set down in his own words a book that does justice to his great gifts as a storyteller. In The Facts of Life, Willie Nelson reflects on what has mattered to him in life and what hasn’t. He also tells some great dirty jokes. The result is a book as wise and hilarious as its author.


Willie Nelson

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2003-04-08
  • Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780375758607

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