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Reverberation: How God's Word Brings Light, Freedom, and Action to His People (9marks)

Author Jonathan Leeman

Format Paperback

Publisher Moody Publishers

Category Church Development

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What is the most effective way to grow a church? It's not a new methodology or cultural outreach strategy, it's...the Word of God. In this book, Jonathan Leeman wants you to realize that the Word, working through God's Spirit, is responsible for the growth of God's church and we need to trust it! Leeman not only informs and equips the leadership of local churches for greatest effectiveness in their preaching ministry but explains how to translate that into the life of the church throughout the week. The book also deals with two errors - not trusting the Word (resulting in a pragmatic ministry philosophy) and not living in light of the Word, (resulting in a ministry philosophy of "preaching is enough"). Reverberation explains the pulpit ministry and traces the theme of how the Word continues through the life of the church. Both theological and practical, Reverberation focuses on how the church hears, responds, discusses, implements and is transformed by the Word. No high-octane production, superstar personalities, or postmodern entreaties, just stuff that is really old, really good, and really powerful!


Jonathan Leeman

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-01-27
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780802422996

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