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Crossing the Desert: Learning to Let Go, See Clearly, and Live Simply

Author Robert Wicks

Format Hardcover

Publisher Sorin Books

Category Self Help

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Robert J. Wicks, noted psychologist and best-selling author of Riding the Dragon and Everyday Simplicity, offers with an insightful guide on how the wisdom of the ancient desert monks can help contemporary readers grow in personal freedom and authenticity. Exploring the early Christian monastic movement of the Desert Fathers and Mothers through a psychological lens, Dr. Wicks uses their wisdom to guide readers towards humility and freedom. In the same way the desert sages never gave answers, but always asked questions, Crossing the Desert presents readers with the Four Desert Questions that will lead them to Take Three Steps to Inner Freedom.


Robert Wicks

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Sorin Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781933495088

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