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Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child

Author Sara Au

Format Paperback

Publisher AMACOM

Category Parenting

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No two children experience the toilet-training process in exactly the same way. While some kids might be afraid to even go near the bathroom, others may know when to go...but still never seem to make it there in time. This helpful guide takes the stress out of this challenging rite of passage, giving parents much-needed advice to help them identify what approach will work for their child's temperament. The book distinguishes between common childhood personality types, providing easy techniques tailor-fit for all kinds of kids, whether they're stubborn or willful, clinging to diapers, afraid to move on, or just late-bloomers. The book shows how to:determine a child's readiness to begin potty training * gradually move children past their existing comfort zone, without causing undue pressure * handle accidents and temporary setbacks This straight-talking guide enables readers to help every child make this important life transition free of worry and in the way that's right for him or her.


Sara Au

Additional Info

  • Publisher: AMACOM
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780814401620

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