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Baptism And Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today (IVP Classics)

Author John Stott

Format Paperback

Publisher IVP Books

Category Holy Spirit

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The Holy Spirit continues to be at work around the world, as numerous renewal movements attest. Yet much confusion and controversy remain regarding the Holy Spirit's activity. In this classic study, John Stott provides clear biblical exposition on the promise, the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He offers particular guidance on the nature of "the baptism of the Spirit" and whether certain spiritual gifts and experiences should be normative for all Christians. Always irenic and gracious, Stott points the way to both greater biblical understanding and deeper fullness of spiritual life.Market/AudienceCBA readersChurch leadersPastorsFeatures and BenefitsA new edition of an IVP classic.Provides an excellent introduction to the work of the Holy Spirit.Written by a renowned author, teacher and Christian statesman.Offers a biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit and clarifies areas of confusion in this controversial subject.


John Stott

Additional Info

  • Publisher: IVP Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780830834020

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