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Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions

Author Albert Haase

Format Paperback

Publisher IVP Books

Category Christian Living

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"God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk." Meister EckhartIn Coming Home to Your True Self, Albert Haase invites you to do just that and shows you the way to get there. Using the story of the prodigal son to illustrate the far country of our false self and the way back home to our true self in Christ, Haase introduces us to disciplines such as prayer, almsgiving, being present to the Presence, discernment and spiritual direction, and shows us how they can help us find the path home to the Father.Rich with insights from Haase's experience as a spiritual director, Coming Home to Your True Self is a book for the weary, the lost, the regretful and guilty essentially, a book for us all that helps us be who God intends us to be, aware at each moment of the Father's presence in us and around us.


Albert Haase

Additional Info

  • Publisher: IVP Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780830835171

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