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Twelve (The Winnie Years)

Author Lauren Myracle

Format Hardcover

Publisher Dutton Juvenile

Category Jr. Fiction

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The only thing more exciting than being eleven . . . is turning twelve! Winnie Perry went through a lot when she was eleven, from shifting friendships to her teenage sister's mood swings. But now that Winnie is twelve—and one step closer to being a teenager herself—there is so much more to deal with. Will her new friendship with Dinah last? Can she handle the pressures of junior high? And, most important, will Winnie survive bra shopping (in public!) with Mom? Bestselling author Lauren Myracle again sharply observes a year in the life of a winning young heroine whose humor, daring, and compassion for others is infectious and unforgettable.


Lauren Myracle

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-03-15
  • Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780525477846

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