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The Litigators: A Novel

Author John Grisham

Format Paperback

Publisher Bantam

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

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#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “Grisham is an absolute master.”—The Washington Post After leaving a fast-track legal career and going on a serious bender, David Zinc is sober, unemployed, and desperate enough to take a job at Finley & Figg, a self-described “boutique law firm” that is anything but. Oscar Finley and Wally Figg are in fact just two ambulance chasers who bicker like an old married couple. But now the firm is ready to tackle a case that could make the partners rich—without requiring them to actually practice much law. A class action suit has been brought against Varrick Labs, a pharmaceutical giant with annual sales of $25 billion, alleging that Krayoxx, its most popular drug, causes heart attacks. Wally smells money. All Finley & Figg has to do is find a handful of Krayoxx users to join the suit. It almost seems too good to be true . . . and it is. “John Grisham may well be the best American storyteller writing today.”—The Philadelphia Inquirer “Where Grisham leads, millions of readers follow.”—New York Daily News “A mighty narrative talent.”—Chicago Sun-TimesIncludes an excerpt of John Grisham’s Calico Joe and a special preview of his upcoming novel The Racketeer


John Grisham

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-06-26
  • Publisher: Bantam
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780345536884

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