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Preaching as Worship: An Integrative Approach to Formation in Your Church

Author Michael Quicke

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category Preaching

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Much current literature on church worship rarely mentions preaching, and vice versa. Worship is often seen as restricted to music and liturgy while preaching is assumed to operate on different principles for different purposes. But veteran preacher Michael Quicke argues that preaching should be viewed as worship, as both worship and preaching belong within the same Trinitarian dynamic, serving the same purpose and marked by similar characteristics. Drawing on insights from wide-ranging literature and practitioners on both sides of the gap, this insightful book confronts and corrects ten characteristics of preaching that are disconnected from worship.


Michael Quicke

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801092268

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