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Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power


Author Richard Carwardine

Format Hardcover

Publisher Knopf

Category Presidents

An original and deeply insightful biography of Abraham Lincoln, already awarded the prestigious Lincoln Prize.As a defender of national unity, a leader in war, and the emancipator of slaves, Abraham Lincoln lays ample claim to being the greatest of our presidents. But the story of his rise to greatness is as complex as it is compelling. In this superb biography, the highly regarded Oxford University historian Richard Carwardine examines Lincoln both in his dramatic political journey and in his nation-shaping White House years. Through his groundbreaking research, Carwardine probes the sources of Lincoln’s moral and political philosophy. We see how, while pursuing office, Lincoln drew strength from public opinion and the machinery of his party. We see him, as a wartime president, recognizing the limits as well as the possibilities of power, and the necessity of looking for support beyond his own administration. We see how he turned to the churches, to their humanitarian agencies, and to the volunteer Union Army for allies in his struggle to end slavery.In illuminating the political talents that went hand in hand with large and serious moral purpose, Carwardine gives us a fresh, important portrait of the incomparable Abraham Lincoln.


Richard Carwardine

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-01-10
  • Publisher: Knopf
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781400044566
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3310916 Very Good Fern Park 51-4-2 $7.99 Add to Cart