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Rodale's Flower Garden Problem Solver: Annuals, Perennials Bulbs, and Roses

Author Jeff Ball

Format Hardcover

Publisher Mjf Books

Category Gardening

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Are gophers gobbling up your garden? Pests preying on your prized peonies? Not happy with your hyacinths? Don't despair! Your plants and garden can be restored to perfect health with this handy reference guide. Black-and-white illustrations accompany the alphabetical listings of plants and their assortment of plagues. You'll find advice about how to prevent problems before they become serious, recipes for natural and organic treatments to ward off insects and other creatures, and what type of plants are best suited to your climate and soil conditions. The chapter on gardening basics, with recipes for different types of organic fertilizers and quicker composts as well as tips on how and where to place particular flowers, will help a newcomer get started. Plant this book in the garage, right next to the rake, hoe, and spade, and use it as a basic tool for getting your garden in great shape.


Jeff Ball

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Mjf Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781567310450

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