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S Is For Sunshine: A Florida Alphabet Edition 1. (Discover America State By State. Alphabet Series)

Author Carol Crane

Format Hardcover

Publisher Ann Arbor Press Inc

Category Kids Facts

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Florida, where "B is for Beaches, P is for Pirates, and V is for Vacationers" comes to life with playful, vivid illustrations by award-winning artist Michael Monroe and a shell full of fun facts and poems from lifelong educator Carol Crane. "E" stands for Everglade, a grassy river that runs all the way to the ocean. Florida's Everglades is the largest remaining subtropical wilderness in the United States. And "J" stands for Juan Ponce de Leon the Spanish explorer who discovered Florida while searching for gold and the Fountain of Youth. Test your knowledge of this colorful state with "S is for Sunshine."


Carol Crane

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Ann Arbor Press Inc
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781585360123

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