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1000 Record Covers

Author Michael Ochs

Format Paperback

Publisher Taschen

Category Music Misc.

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Not just a look at the art of record cover design Record covers are a sign of our life and times. Like the music on the discs, they address such issues as love, life, death, fashion, and rebellion. For music fans the covers are the expression of a period, of a particular time in their lives. Many are works of art and have become as famous as the music they stand for - Andy Warhol's covers, for example, including the banana he designed for The Velvet Underground. In this book, Michael Ochs, owner of one of the largest private collections of record covers in the world, presents a personal selection of the thousand items that mean most to him. This is not just a look at the art of record cover design - the book also offers a fascinating survey of rock music genres and styles from their beginnings to the present day.


Michael Ochs

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Taschen
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9783822840856

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