Her future, and the lives of her young siblings, is in the hands of a fancy Englischer from Portland...Sarah Cain. Lydia Cottrell, eldest of five Amish orphans, made a promise to her dying mother to keep the family together. But soon she discovers that guardianship has been granted to a virtual strangera well-to-do aunt from Portland, Oregon, who cares little for Mammas last wish. Lydias struggle to keep the promise may cost her the loss of the sweetest, kindest, and most handsome Plain boy in all of Lancaster CountyLevi King. A thoroughly modern young woman, Sarah Cain had ridiculed her sisters choice of a Plain life-style, which served only to intensify the lifelong rift between them. Now, twelve years later, Sarah is stunned by news of her sisters death and baffled by Ivy's choice of a guardian. How can Sarah sacrifice her successful career and a life she enjoys to raise five Amish orphans? And what of Bryan Ford, the man in her life? Upon her arrival in Lancaster County, Sarah holds a grief all her ownone very different from the suffering of her nieces and nephews. Can the sorrow that divides them ultimately unite the new family? Will Sarah discover that Lancaster County's Amish community is
Beverly Lewis
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2000-07-29
- Publisher: Bethany House
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9780764223297
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