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The Church of Christ: Volume One

Author James Bannerman

Format Paperback

Publisher Solid Ground Christian Books

Category Theology

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"I do heartily encourage you to re-publish this unique work by James Bannerman on 'The Church of Christ.' Especially in our day of great ignorance about the subject of the authority of the Church, this volume is inestimable. It bears close study by elders, seminarians (and seminaries!), and by all others who sincerely desire to honor Christ, the only King and Head of the Church." -Pastor Bill Shishko, "James Bannerman's 'The Church of Christ' is the most extensive, standard, solid, Reformed treatment of the doctrine of the church that has ever been written. It is indisputably the classic in its field. Every minister and elder should own a copy, and church members would also be much better informed if they perused it carefully. How many church problems would be alleviated if churches used Bannerman as their primary textbook for their understanding of what the church is and for their modus operandi! - Joel R. Beeke


James Bannerman

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Solid Ground Christian Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781599252278

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