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Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam

Author Brian Sussman

Format Hardcover

Publisher WND Books

Category Environment

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Those now notorious intercepted emails documenting leading scientists conspiring to squelch global-warming skeptics and falsifying data proved exactly what Brian Sussman has been saying for years. Climategate is intended for anyone who has ever expressed skepticism about the clamorous environmentalist claims that the Earth is in peril because of mankind's appetite for carbon-based fuels. By tracing the origins of the current climate scare, Sussman guides the reader from the diabolical minds of Marx and Engles in the 1800s, to the global governance machinations of the United Nations today. Climategate is a call to action, warning Americans that their future is being undermined by a phony pseudo-science aimed at altering and dominating every aspect of life in the United States and the world.


Brian Sussman

Additional Info

  • Publisher: WND Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781935071839

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