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Harper's Encyclopedia of Bible Life

Author Madeleine Miller

Format Hardcover

Publisher Castle Books

Category Bible Reference

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Harper's Encyclopedia of Bible Life is a casual yet informative guide to the people and places of biblical times. Completely revised from its original publication in 1944, the book is written for the layperson rather than clerics. It's a handy companion for students--or for anyone curious about the customs, languages, and social structures of the time. The authors, Madeleine S. and J. Lane Miller, are concerned with the very ordinariness of the era--exploring how people lived, the occupations they toiled at, and the kinds of homes they resided in. As with any record of this period, the information is derived from both subjective and objective sources, including archaeological evidence, historical manuscripts, and stories and narratives passed down through the generations. The book is split into three distinct sections: "The World of the Bible" looks at the New and Old Testaments; "How the People of the Bible Lived" investigates day-to-day living; and "How the People of the Bible Worked" traces livelihoods--from craftsmen to soldiers, and even prostitutes. With over 150 illustrations and information on 74 biblical subjects, Harper's Encyclopedia of Bible Life is a mighty read.


Madeleine Miller

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Castle Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785807261

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