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A House Divided (The Russians #2)

Author Michael Phillips

Format Paperback

Publisher Bethany House Publishers

Category Christian Fiction

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The Heroes Have Returned...But the Turmoil Rages On As the war in the Balkans draws to its bitter and devastating close, Prince Sergi returns to St. Petersburg and to his love, the young servant Anna Burenin. But the battles still rages?both within Sergi's heart and in the revolution that threatens to overthrow the tsar's tenuous control over his vast empire. Anna's brother Paul, disillusioned with a peasant's lot in tsarist Russia, joins with his revolutionary friends. Yet even as he seeks to make a difference for the future of his beloved Motherland, his violent actions may endanger the life of the sister he loves so well. Torn between love for her family and devotion to the Fedorcenko family, Anna faces life-changing decisions. Her faith in God and His intervention is all that supports her as she stands in the gap to keep her loved ones?and all of Russia?from becoming a house divided.


Michael Phillips

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780764224652

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