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Gospel after Christendom, The: New Voices, New Cultures, New Expressions

Author Ryan Bolger

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Academic

Category Theology

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Emerging church movements are an increasingly global phenomenon; they exist as holistic communities that defy dualistic Western forms of church. Until now, many of the voices from these movements have gone unheard. In this volume, Ryan Bolger assembles some of the most innovative church leaders from around the world to share their candid insider stories about how God is transforming their communities in an entirely new era for the church.Bolger's new book continues the themes that he and Eddie Gibbs established formally in their critically acclaimed Emerging Churches and situates new church movements within this rubric. It explores what's happening now in innovative church movements in continental Europe, Asia, and Latin American and in African American hip-hop cultures.Featuring an international cast of contributors, the book explores the changes occurring both in emerging cultures and in emerging and missional churches across the globe today.


Ryan Bolger

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801039430

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