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Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work

Author Tom Nelson

Format Paperback

Publisher Crossway

Category Christian Living

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Helps readers live out a theology of work in the ebb and flow of everyday life.Work. For some this word represents drudgery and the mundane. For others work is an idol to be served. In either case, a biblical understanding of work as godly activity and a means of spiritual formation is lost. Striking a balance between theological depth and practical counsel, Work Matters engages the theological basis of God’s plan for everyday work. Tom Nelson explains how the fall has impacted vocation, how God’s redemption touches every sphere of our lives including our work, and how what we do now is connected to what we will do forever. As Nelson connects Sunday worship to Monday morning, he gives readers practical tools for understanding their own gifts, so that they may better live in accord with God’s design for work.


Tom Nelson

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781433526671

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