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Philosophy, Science, And The Sovereignty Of God

Author Vern Poythress

Format Paperback

Publisher Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co

Category Philosophy

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We live in an atmosphere in which many people feel that intellectual integrity demands that one give up many elements in the biblical story. Not only evolution, but engineering, psychology, medicine, sociology, linguistics, anthropology, historiography, archaeology, art, music, and philosophy are all summoned to the task of undermining biblical teaching. Rather than responding to "problems" posed by secular culture, Vern Poythress set on in this, his first book, "to concentrate on the positive task of uncovering some biblical foundations for science and the philosophy of science." Poythress continues: "Most of what I say is more an introduction to philosophy of science than a treatment of special problems in philosophy of science. The question of basic orientation is at stake." "Because of sin, people still have trouble understandin the Bible and seeing the implications of the Bible for science. This book is intended to jar them into a better understanding and to provide some tools for seeing how to begin reforming science."


Vern Poythress

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781596380028

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