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Christmas Is Not Your Birthday: Experience the Joy of Living and Giving like Jesus

Author Mike Slaughter

Format Paperback

Publisher Abingdon Press

Category Christian Living

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Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season—Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration. This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of the year. Instead, experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. In five short, engaging chapters, Pastor Mike Slaughter inspires readers to approach Christmas differently, and be transformed in the process.


Mike Slaughter

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781426727351

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