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After Elizabeth: The Rise of James of Scotland and the Struggle for the Throne of England

Author Leanda Lisle

Format Hardcover

Publisher Ballantine Books

Category Irish and Scottish History

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Many volumes have been written about the reign of Elizabeth I; this book focuses on the critical year her reign ended, when England lost its childless queen and a Machiavellian struggle ensued to find her successor. December 1602: The formidable ruler has become a dithering old woman. The kingdom has been weakened by the cost of war with Spain and the simmering discontent of both the rich and the poor. Elizabeth's senior relative, James VI of Scotland, is a foreigner and a Stuart, excluded from the throne under English law. Around the old queen and the new king swirl a cast of unforgettable characters. We witness the scheming of courtiers for the candidates of their choice, and the widespread fear that civil war, invasion, or revolution will follow the monarch's death; and we are given intimate insights into political power plays and psychological portraits relevant to our own era.--From publisher description.


Leanda Lisle

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-01-31
  • Publisher: Ballantine Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780345450456

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