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Horsing Around (Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo #30)

Author Nancy Krulik

Format Paperback

Publisher Grosset & Dunlap

Category Jr. Series

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Becky is taking riding lessons at the Cherrydale Stables. That’s not news to Katie or her friends: In fact, they are sick of hearing about horses and sick of hearing Becky brag about what a great rider she is. Still, Katie convinces everyone to go to the horse show where Becky wins a medal in the first event, showmanship. The event looks pretty easy. However, Katie gets to see what it’s like from the horse’s perspective when suddenly she’s switcherooed into Becky’s horse Brownie.


Nancy Krulik

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-01-08
  • Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780448446776

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