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The Art of Travel

Author Alain Botton

Format Paperback

Publisher Vintage

Category Travel Writing

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Aside from love, few actvities seem to promise us as much happiness as going traveling: taking off for somewhere else, somewhere far from home, a place with more interesting weather, customs, and landscapes. But although we are inundated with advice on where to travel, few people seem to talk about why we should go and how we can become more fulfilled by doing so. In The Art of Travel, Alain de Botton, author of How Proust Can Change Your Life, explores what the point of travel might be and modestly suggets how we can learn to be a little happier in our travels.


Alain Botton

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-05-11
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780375725340

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