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A Little History of the World

Author H. Gombrich

Format Hardcover

Publisher Yale University Press

Category World History

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"In 1935, with a doctorate in art history and no prospect of a job, the twenty-six-year-old Ernst Gombrich was invited by a publishing acquaintance to attempt a history of the world for younger readers. Amazingly, he completed the task in an intense six weeks, and Eine kurze Weltgeschichte fur junge Leser was published in Vienna to immediate success. It is now available in eighteen languages across the world." "Toward the end of his long life, Gombrich embarked upon a revision and, at last, an English translation. A Little History of the World presents his lively and involving history to English-language readers for the first time." "In forty concise chapters, Gombrich tells the story of humanity from the stone age to the atomic bomb. In between emerges a colorful picture of wars and conquests, grand works of art, and the spread and limitations of science. This is a text dominated not by dates and facts, but by the sweep of experience across the centuries, a guide to humanity's achievements and an acute witness to its frailties."--BOOK JACKET.


H. Gombrich

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Yale University Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780300108835

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