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The Gospel-Centered Life (Leader's Guide)

Format Paperback

Publisher New Growth Press

Category Bible Study

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The Gospel-Centered Life is a nine-lesson small group study intended to help participants understand how the gospel shapes every aspect of life. Each lesson is self-contained, featuring clear teaching from Scripture, and requires no extra work outside of the group setting. The self-explanatory Leader s Guide helps small group leaders to clearly explain and apply the material. Designed for: Pastors and leaders who want to spur gospel renewal in their churches and ministries; Church-planters who want to form gospel DNA in the churches they start; Students and campus ministers who are looking to live out the gospel on campus; Christians who want to be more deeply formed around the gospel; Small group leaders who are looking for content that works with diverse groups of people; Missionaries who are looking for simple material to disciple new Christians.

Additional Info

  • Publisher: New Growth Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781936768004

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