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Really Truly Ruthie (American Girl)

Author Valerie Tripp

Format Hardcover

Publisher American Girl

Category American Girls

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Ruthie Smithens, the beloved best friend of Kit Kittredge, is a big part of Kit's six-book historical series. Now Ruthie stars in a brand-new book of her own. Ruthie loves fairy tales-and happy endings. She'd also love to help Kit, whose family is struggling through the Great Depression. When Ruthie learns the Kittredges are having trouble paying the mortgage on their house, she decides to find a way to reach Kit's Aunt Millie in hopes of creating a real-life happy ending. Includes an illustrated "Looking Back" essay.


Valerie Tripp

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-09-01
  • Publisher: American Girl
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781593693220

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