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Women in the Church : A Biblical Study on the Role of Women in the Church


Author Samuele Bacchiocchi

Format Paperback

Publisher Biblical Perspectives

Category Theology

WOMEN IN THE CHURCH provides a much needed balanced interpretation and application of the overall Biblical teachings on the role of women in the church. With compelling research the study shows that while Scripture excludes women from serving in the representative role of priests, elders or pastors, it does include them in the supportive ministries of the church and in participation in public worship. The reason for this Biblical distinction derives not from the cultural conventions of the times, but from the distinct and yet complementary roles for men and women established by God at creation. The book has been favorably reviewed by many scholars of different denominations and has become a standard textbook in several theological seminaries. In his review , Prof. Robert Preus, President of Concordia Theological Seminary, wrote: WOMEN IN THE CHURCH is the most thorough treatment of the subject on the basis of Scripture to be issued in our day. . .. Bacchiocchi's book should should settle the issue of the ordination of women, at least for Christians who hold to the authority of the Scripture. WOMEN IN THE CHURCH is foreworded by two distinguished New Testament scholars, namely, Prof. Wayne Grudem of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Prof. James B. Hurley of Reformed Theological Seminary. Both professors wrote their doctoral dissertation at Cambridge University in England on crucial New Testament texts related to the role of women in the church. In his foreword Prof. Grudem wrote: "WOMEN IN THE CHURCH is a model of clarity and fairness. It will clear up much of the confusion people feel today over this issue. . . . Time and again I found myself saying Yes, Yes, as I read the book." On a similar Prof. Hurley wrote: "Its consistent effort to be fair and to be faithful to the Biblical text should earn WOMEN IN THE CHURCH wide readership and an influential position even among those who do not share its author's views.


Samuele Bacchiocchi

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Biblical Perspectives
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781930987067
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2162087 Good Fern Park 12-3-6 $7.99 Add to Cart