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Run for the Hills, Geronimo! (Geronimo Stilton, No. 47)

Author Geronimo Stilton

Format Paperback

Publisher Scholastic Paperbacks

Category Jr. Series

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More than 18 million Geronimo Stilton books in print!Finally, I was about to leave for a relaxing vacation all by myself. I was ready to kick back and connect with nature. But somehow, my peaceful trip turned into a crazy treasure hunt in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota with the entire Stilton clan in tow! Our journey even included a hot-air balloon ride to Mount Rushmore. Holey cheese! This was one adventure I'd truly remember.


Geronimo Stilton

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780545331326

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