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Sacred Travels: Recovering the Ancient Practice of Pilgrimage

Author Christian George

Format Paperback

Publisher IVP Books

Category Christian Living

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In Sacred Travels Christian Timothy George recovers the ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage, in which travel to sacred sites leads to the transformation of the soul. In engaging narratives of his worldwide voyages, George follows in the footsteps of spiritual pilgrims from across the centuries, from Luther in Wittenberg to Spurgeon in England. His travels to landmark places from Iona to Assisi give him not only a better understanding of his Christian heritage, but also of God's inner work in pilgrims throughout history and today.Come with George as he breaks bread with Benedictines in Ireland and worships with the Taize community in France. Experience the transforming power of spiritual pilgrimage. And discover what it means to be a pilgrim as you follow God wherever He leads.Market/AudienceStudentsThoughtful laypeopleTravelers and commutersEndorsementsSacred Travels is a warm confessional written by a sojourner who has discovered the heart of God. It is in every sense a ''moving'' book. . . . Thank God that Christian Timothy George poked around in the cold ashes, and found for us the living embers of old sacrifices. In this book, he kindled yesterday's coals into new fire. - From the foreword by Calvin Miller, author and professor, Beeson Divinity SchoolFeatures and BenefitsFilled with engaging, dynamic narratives of worldwide travels.Transforms ordinary travel into spiritually significant pilgrimage.A fresh voice from a spiritually and theologically astute author.Appreals to a generation likely to travel.


Christian George

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-01-30
  • Publisher: IVP Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780830835027

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