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The Rising Sun in the Pacific: 1931-August 1942 (History of United States Naval Operations in World War II) (v. 3)

Author Samuel Morison

Format Hardcover

Publisher Castle Books

Category World War 2

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This spectacular fifteen-volume series that charts the U.S. Naval operations during World War II with an insider's perspective. Morison, a Harvard professor, was given a special rank and writing post by FDR. He had active duty aboard eleven different ships, allowing him to witness many crucial battles in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Volume Three -the first on the war in the Pacific-includes coverage of the attack on Pear Harbor and its aftermath as well as the Defense of the Malay Barrier. Filled with many maps and file photographs.


Samuel Morison

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Castle Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785813040

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