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No Excuses!: How What You Say Can Get In Your Way

Author Dyer

Format Hardcover

Publisher Hay House

Category Kids Picture

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In his fourth book for children, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer focuses on the topic of excuses and how they can do more harm than we realize. The book demonstrates how excuses go far beyond �my dog ate my homework,� and can actually become words that prevent your child from reaching his or her potential. The book follows a boy with a seemingly impossible dream who almost lets excuses (�I�m not smart enough� . . . �It�s too hard,� and so on) get in his way. He discovers, as will your child, that by following a few simple ideas and eliminating excuses . . . anything is possible!


Dyer, Wayne W.

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Hay House
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781401925833

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