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Yon Ill Wind: A Xanth Novel (Xanth #20)

Author Piers Anthony

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Tor Fantasy

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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An All-New Xanth AdventureFirst Paperback Edition!A fickle flux in the fabric of space has allowed a horrendous hurricane to blast into Xanth, stirring up mischief and madness wherever she goes. Trapped in a preposterous form by a cosmic wager, the Demon X(A/N)th must join forces with a vexatious vixen named Chlorine to save Xanth from this terrifying and tempestuous threat.Their companions on this haphazard quest are a hapless human family - Jim and Karen Baldwin and their two teenaged sons, David and Sean - gusted into Xanth from the mundane world beyond. Together they encounters a host of turbulent misadventures as they struggle to keep Xanth from being blown off the map forever.A brisk and breezy adventure in the grand Xanth tradition, Yon Ill Wind is sure to bring gales of laughter and excitement to Piers Anthony's legion of loyal readers.


Piers Anthony

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1997-10-15
  • Publisher: Tor Fantasy
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780812555103

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