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Navarre Bible Gospels and Acts


Author Univ Navarre

Format Paperback

Publisher Four Courts Press

Category Bible

The Navarre Bible Reader's Edition contains the full biblical text in the Revised Standard Version with notes or commentaries provided by members of Navarre University's theology faculty. The commentaries seek to explain the doctrinal and practical meaning of the scrip-tural text, drawing on a rich variety of sources-Church documents, the exegesis of Fathers and Doctors, and the works of prominent spiritual writers, including Blessed J. Escriva, who initiated the Navarre Bible project. We heartily and strongly recommend this splendid volume [St Mark]. It is just what so many have been waiting for. - Homiletic & Pastoral Review, New York This [Acts] is a superb volume for adult Bible study as well as college and uni-versity work; most helpful, enlightening and fascinating. - Catholic Transcript, Hartford, Conn. It is refreshing to come across a non-technical commentary which


Univ Navarre, Faculty Theology

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Four Courts Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781851825080
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
771561 Very Good Fern Park 24-7-7 $24.99 Add to Cart