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The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture

Author Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Format Paperback

Publisher Paraclete Press

Category Christian Living

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�In whatever place you live, do not easily leave it.� �Abba Anthony In an age where we might email a friend in Africa, skype a co-worker in Brazil, and teleconference with people in different time zones�all in one day�the sheer speed of life can be dizzying. Like children stumbling off a merry-go-round, says Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, we are grasping for something to anchor our lives in a sea of constant change. In The Wisdom of Stability, Wilson-Hartgrove illuminates the biblical and monastic understanding of why staying in one place is both a virtue, and good for you. �For the Christian tradition,� he writes, �the heart�s true home is a life rooted in the love of God.� When we cultivate an inner stability of heart � by rooting ourselves in the places where we live, engaging the people we are with, and by the simple rhythms of tending to body and soul � true growth can happen. The Wisdom of Stability is a must-read for pastors, leaders, and anyone seeking an authentic path of Christian transformation.


Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Paraclete Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781557256232

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