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Jesus in the Drama Salvation

Author Raymund Schwager

Format Paperback

Publisher Herder & Herder

Category Salvation

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"In this book Raymund Schwager surveys the church's christological tradition and proposes an understanding of Jesus that is informed by a conversation with the great theologians and leaders of the past and influenced by two contemporary pioneers in Christian thought: Hans Urs von Balthasar, known for his "theodramatic" approach, and Rene Girard, widely recognized for his mimetic scapegoat theory. The result is both a convincing scholarly picture of Jesus in relation to his Jewish historical context and to the beginnings of the Christian community and a coherent message of Jesus as God's word of salvation to humankind."--BOOK JACKET.


Raymund Schwager

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Herder & Herder
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780824517960

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