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Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement

Author Henry Clausen

Format Hardcover

Publisher Crown

Category World War 2

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In 1944, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, knowing that high-ranking members of the military had testified falsely before the various bodies investigating Pearl Harbor, selected a lowly major and young lawyer named Henry C. Clausen and gave him extraordinary authority to go anywhere and question anyone under oath, from enlisted personnel right up to Chief of Staff George C. Marshall. To this day, no member of the public knows the full story of Clausen's investigation. Over seven months during 1944 and 1945, Clausen traveled more than 55,000 miles to interview and obtain sworn affidavits from nearly one hundred Army, Navy, civilian, and British personnel. Many of these people never testified before any other inquiry, including Congress. Clausen wore a self-destructing case containing ultrasecret decoded Japanese messages that forced witnesses to tell the truth and opened files that revealed a massive, inconceivable failure to exploit the priceless intelligence obtained by the United States in the months prior to Pearl Harbor. Clausen presented an 800-page report to Secretary of War Stimson - but because his report was Top Secret, he did not write a conclusion. That conclusion, and in fact Clausen's entire Top Secret report, would have torn apart the government of the United States and revealed the breathtaking secret capability of the Allies to crack Japanese and German codes. Henry Clausen is the last major living witness, the one person who can reveal, fifty years afterward, the real truth about Pearl Harbor. His "final judgement" puts an end to all the conspiracy theories mistakenly based on perjured testimony and self-serving misinformation that continue to pollute the historical record.


Henry Clausen

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1992-09-01
  • Publisher: Crown
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780517586440

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