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So You Want to Start a House Church?: First-Century Styled Church Planting For Today

Author Frank Viola

Format Paperback

Publisher Present Testimony Ministry

Category Church Development

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The fourth book in Frank Viola?s series on radical church reform, "So You Want to Start a House Church?" is a fresh and compelling look at church planting, apostolic ministry, and spiritual training for Christian service. Some have called it the most comprehensive Biblical exposition on church planting available in print. Combining both insight and foresight, "So You Want to Start a House Church?" calls for a drastic paradigm shift in today?s practice of the church, church planting, and the preparation for spiritual service. Amid the plethora of books on "church planting" and "apostles" that crowd book shelves today, this penetrating work is unique, challenging, and at the same time practical. In addition, it combines two rare elements: Spiritual depth and New Testament scholarship. Whether you are a pastor, missionary, house church leader, church planter, scholar, or someone that desires to be part of a first-century expression of church life, this book is for you.


Frank Viola

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Present Testimony Ministry
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780966665758

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