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The Wycliffe Bible: John Wycliffe's Translation of the Holy Scriptures from the Latin Vulgate


Format Hardcover

Publisher Lamp Post Inc.

Category Bible

Here is John Wycliffe's greatest accomplishment: the translation of the Holy Scriptures into English. Producing the first complete English bible, Wycliffe was the first to set aside Latin as the language of the Scriptures and to reach the English people in their own tongue. Working from contemporary manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, he sought "no strange English" but only the easiest, most common-albeit the most Latin-like-language possible. (Latin constructions and word order were preserved even where they conflicted with English idiom.) His work was used by the Lollards, a group of itinerant preachers ("poor priests") who went about preaching, reading, and teaching from the English Bible. Wycliffite translations of the New Testament (1380) and Old Testament (1388), which was actually completed by Nicholas of Hereford, opened a new epoch in the history of the Bible. In this new edition, LAMP POST has taken a 700 year old ancient translation and made a modern, clean, readable version--a simple yet fun dichotomy--creating a project that all book- and bible-lovers are sure to appreciate and enjoy!

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Lamp Post Inc.
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781600391026
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
7006062 Good Fern Park 24-7-1 $24.99 Add to Cart