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Dante (Penguin Lives)

Author W. Lewis

Format Hardcover

Publisher Viking Press

Category Literary Biography

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"Dante traces the life and complex development - emotional, artistic, philosophical - of this supreme poet-historian, from his wanderings through Tuscan hills and splendid churches to his days as a young soldier fighting for democracy, and to his civic leadership and years of embittered exile from the city that would fiercely reclaim him a century later." "Lewis reveals the boy who first encounters the mythic Beatrice, the lyric poet obsessed with love and death, and the grand master of dramatic narrative and allegory, as well as his monumental search for ultimate truth in The Divine Comedy. It is in this masterpiece of self-discovery and redemption that Lewis finds Dante's autobiography - and the sum of all his shifting passions and epiphanies."--BOOK JACKET. "Dante traces the life and complex development - emotional, artistic, philosophical - of this supreme poet-historian, from his wanderings through Tuscan hills and splendid churches to his days as a young soldier fighting for democracy, and to his civic leadership and years of embittered exile from the city that would fiercely reclaim him a century later." "Lewis reveals the boy who first encounters the mythic Beatrice, the lyric poet obsessed with love and death, and the grand master of dramatic narrative and allegory, as well as his monumental search for ultimate truth in The Divine Comedy. It is in this masterpiece of self-discovery and redemption that Lewis finds Dante's autobiography - and the sum of all his shifting passions and epiphanies."--BOOK JACKET.


W. Lewis

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001-06-25
  • Publisher: Viking Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780670899098

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