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Rebel Stand (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order- Enemy Lines, Book 2)

Author Aaron Allston

Format Audio CD

Publisher Random House Audio

Category Audio Book Fiction

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Not since Emperor Palpatine have the Jedi battled such monstrous evil. Unless they succeed against staggering odds, the galaxy is doomed.Luke Skywalker�s daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong�s nefarious plot to overthrow the New Republic is struggling on all fronts. And time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo, trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan Vong pressure to give up the Jedi rebels.On Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker have made a shocking discovery that is preventing the Yuuzhan Vong from exerting complete control. But when the enemy tracks them down, Luke and Mara are thrust into a fierce battle for their lives. Suddenly, the chances of escaping appear nearly impossible. And in space, another battle rages, one that holds ominous consequences for the New Republic�and for the Jedi themselves. . . .From the Paperback edition.


Aaron Allston

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-05-28
  • Publisher: Random House Audio
  • Format: Audio CD
  • ISBN: 9780553713022

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