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Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Collins Classics)

Author Jules Verne

Format Paperback

Publisher HarperPress

Category Classic Fiction

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HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'From that hour we had no further occasion for the exercise of reason, or judgment, or skill, or contrivance. We were henceforth to be hurled along, the playthings of the fierce elements of the deep.' In Verne's science-fiction classic, Professor Lidenbrock chances upon an ancient manuscript and pledges to solve the mysterious coded message that lies within it. Eventually he deciphers the story -- that of an Icelandic explorer who travels to the centre of the earth, finding his way there via a volcano. Inspired by the manuscript, The Professor is determined to follow in the explorer's footsteps and builds a crew of men which includes his nervous nephew Axel. Together they begin their journey to the centre of the earth, facing fearsome danger and adventure at every turn.


Jules Verne

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-07-08
  • Publisher: HarperPress
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780007372379

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