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Moonshine (Cal Leandros #2)

Author Rob Thurman

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Roc

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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After saving the world from his fiendish father's side of the family, Cal Leandros and his stalwart half-brother Niko have settled down with new digs and a new gig-bodyguard and detective work. And in New York City, where preternatural beings stalk the streets just like normal folk, business is good. Their latest case has them going undercover for the Kin-the werewolf Mafia. A low-level Kin boss thinks a rival is setting him up for a fall, and wants proof. The place to start is the back room of Moonshine-a gambling club for non-humans. Cal thinks it's a simple in-and-out job. But Cal is very, very wrong. Cal and Niko are being set up themselves-and the people behind it have a bite much worse than their bark...


Rob Thurman

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-03-06
  • Publisher: Roc
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780451461391

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